The analysis API

analysis API Reference

Top-level functions for propagator.

This contains main functions use propagate and accumlate catchment properties in a larger watershed.

  1. Geosyntec Consultants, 2015.

Released under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file for more info)

Written by Paul Hobson (

propagator.analysis.trace_upstream(*args, **kwargs)

Recursively traces an upstream path of subcatchments through a watetershed.


subcatchment_array : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the subcatchments in the watershed. This array must have a “downstrea ID” column in which each subcatchment identifies as single, downstream neighbor.

subcatchment_ID : str

The ID of the downstream catchment from which the trace originates.

id_col : str, optional

The name of the column that specifies the current subcatchment.

ds_col : str, optional

The name of the column that identifies the downstream subcatchment.

downstream : list, optional

A list of already known downstream catchments in the trace.


This is only used in the recursive calls to this function. You should never provide this value.


upstream : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the upstream subcatchments. This will have the same schema as subcatchment_array

propagator.analysis.find_bottoms(*args, **kwargs)

Finds the lowest, non-ocean subcatchments in a watershed.


subcatchment_array : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the subcatchments in the watershed. This array must have a “downstrea ID” column in which each subcatchment identifies as single, downstream neighbor.

bottom_ID : str, optional

The subcatchment ID of the pseudo-catchments in the Ocean.

ds_col : str, optional

The name of the column that identifies the downstream subcatchment.


bottoms : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of subcatchments that drain into the ocean.

propagator.analysis.find_tops(*args, **kwargs)

Finds the the subcatchments in a watershed that do not accept any upstrea tributary flow.


subcatchment_array : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the subcatchments in the watershed. This array must have a “downstrea ID” column in which each subcatchment identifies as single, downstream neighbor.

subcatchment_ID : str

The ID of the downstream catchment from which the trace originates.

id_col : str, optional

The name of the column that specifies the current subcatchment.

ds_col : str, optional

The name of the column that identifies the downstream subcatchment.


top : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the upper most subcatchments.

propagator.analysis.propagate_scores(*args, **kwargs)

Propagate values into upstream subcatchments through a watershed.


subcatchment_array : numpy.recarry

A record array of all of the subcatchments in the watershed. This array must have a “downstrea ID” column in which each subcatchment identifies as single, downstream neighbor.

id_col : str, optional

The name of the column that specifies the current subcatchment.

ds_col : str, optional

The name of the column that identifies the downstream subcatchment.

value_column : str

Name of a representative water quality column that can be used to indicate if the given subcatchment has or has not been populated with water quality data.

ignored_value : float, optional

The values representing unpopulated records in the array of subcatchment and water quality data.

bottom_ID : str, optional

The subcatchment ID of the pseudo-catchments in the Ocean.


propagated : numpy.recarry

A copy of subcatchment_array with all of the water quality records populated.

propagator.analysis.preprocess_wq(*args, **kwargs)

Preprocess the water quality data to have to averaged score for each subcatchment.


monitoring_locations : str

Path to the feature class containing the monitoring locations and their water quality scores.

subcatchments : str

Path to the feature class containing the subcatchment boundaries.

id_col : str, ds_col

Name of the column in subcatchments that contains the (ds = downstream) subcatchment IDs.

output_path : str

Path of the new feature class where the preprocessed data should be saved.

value_columns : list of str

A list of the names of the fields containing water quality scores that need to be analyzed.

aggfxn : callable, optional

A function, lambda, or class method that reduces arrays into scalar values. By default, this is numpy.mean.

ignored_value : int, optional

The values in monitoring_locations that should be ignored. Given the default input datasets, zero has been chosen to signal that a value is missing.

cleanup : bool, optional

Toggles the deletion of temporary files.


array : numpy.recarray

A numpy record array of the subcatchments with their aggregated water quality scores.

propagator.analysis.split_streams(*args, **kwargs)
propagator.analysis.prepare_data(*args, **kwargs)

Assigns water quality ranking from monitoring locations to the subcatchments. If multiple monitoring locations are present in one subcatchment, water quality rankings are aggregated prior to assignment.


mon_locations : str

File path to the monitoring locations feature class.

subcatchments : str

File path to the subcatchments feature class.

subcatch_id_col : str

Field name of the subcatchment ID column in subcatchments.

sort_id: str

Arbituary field name for sorting purpose. Default value is ‘FID’

header_fields : list

List of header field names to be retained in the output feature class.

wq_fields : list

List of water quality field names to be analyzed

outputfile : str

Filename where the output should be saved.


subcatchment_wq : arcpy.Layer

A subcatchment class that inherited water quality rankings from respective monitoring locations.